A scalp micropigmentation procedure is a painstaking yet beneficial procedure for people who want to resolve baldness or hair loss problems permanently. The procedure involves a needling technique that’s similar to tattooing, which guarantees results. Scalp micropigmentation is always successful, looks natural, and requires less maintenance compared to a transplant.
The quality of an SMP procedure significantly depends on the expert who administers it, as well as their tools and equipment.
Moreover, the results of your SMP treatment also vary according to your aftercare routine. Healing is a significant part of the scalp micropigmentation procedure. Everyone’s skin reacts differently, which affects the recovery duration.
In this blog, we’ve discussed three signs that indicate a slow healing process & have also shared some expert tips to deal with them effectively.
1. Prolonged Inflammation
Inflammation and redness are the earliest after-effects of scalp micropigmentation. The needles reveal tiny hair follicles and activate their pigment cells. Usually, the redness goes away in the first few days of the healing process.
Maintaining a healthy diet and using a gentle moisturizer on your scalp will reduce the redness caused by the tiny perforations. Just remember to avoid direct sunlight exposure on your scalp, as UV rays are destructive when it comes to the pigment.
2. Pigment Shedding
The shedding of micro-pigments is an entirely natural process, and it may take longer than expected for some people. Think of these pigments as your scalp’s way of exfoliating itself by getting rid of dead skin cells to reveal fresh ones.
You may feel tempted to scratch it at first, but we highly recommend resisting the urge, as this leads to a prolonged recovery period. Avoid scratching to prevent redness, scars, and infection. Let your natural healing process take its course!
3. Extreme Dryness
People with dry skin usually experience flakiness and dry follicles after getting SMP treatment.
Since the pigments penetrate deeper into some follicles than others, the pigments may seem dark, light, translucent, and invisible, depending on the penetration intensity.
The dryness increases during the last few days of the healing process, when the scabs are close to full recovery. You may also feel a bit itchy.
Post-SMP, it takes a month to heal entirely, but your immune response, skin type, and aftercare regimen significantly impact the process’s speed and efficacy.
If you’re looking for a reliable and certified scalp micropigmentation facility in Wilmington, contact the experts at Delaware Scalp Micropigmentation. They provide top quality SMP treatments for hair loss for both men and women.
Learn more about their scalp micropigmentation cost and timeline and say good-bye to baldness!