Pattern hair loss (aka androgenic alopecia) is something that affects both men and women across the globe and here in the US. Within the United States, 40% of those suffering from hair loss are women. According to research, stressors and negative psychological impact due to the onset of hair loss is something that is not uncommon regardless of gender.
At the same time, when it comes to how damaging hair loss is on a psycho-emotional level, further was conducted to compare the psychological effect of hair loss between men and women. The research suggested that the impact of hair loss was felt in a more negatively profound way by women in general than it was by men.
Why is it Worse as a Woman?
As a Delaware based institution offering scalp micropigmentation treatment to both men and women suffering from hair loss, we have some personal and professional insight we’d like to share. Though we are living in a progressive world where gender norms and expectations are a bit laxer and more fluid than they used to be, conventional thinking still dominates. It is keeping in mind the pre-existing paradigm of conventional consensus that we’re going to elaborate on what so many of our female clients struggle with hair loss, often more so than their male counterparts!
Conditioning and Attachment
The first reason why hair loss is harder on women is due to the fact that they are taught to identify through their hair among other things from a very young age. As girls, the first part of ourselves we can really beautify and do up is our hair.
Even in homes where children are brought up in a non-gendered environment, it is not uncommon for growing girls to be encouraged to take pride in their hair and what they do with it. Over the years, this connection is embedded in the subconscious. We feel it is our hair that holds a lot of sway in how feminine we are and how beautiful we see ourselves as.
Though this may be unhealthy, it is what it is. It is our deep-rooted conditioning and association of our own worth with our hair that makes hair loss so terrifying and hard to deal with. As women, it’s not just a loss of hair – it’s a loss of who you are in a sense. At least many of us can agree that that is what it feels like.
Public Perception and Interference
Many of us grow up in homes and spend time in environments where we are allowed to define ourselves by a lot more than the quality of our hair and what we do with it. Even in situations where our hair is not a defining factor when it comes to our identity, it still is important.
We all want to look good. Even if we decide to shave our heads, it’s a choice we would like the pleasure of making. As women, we have enough put on us. Unfortunately, society, in general, is not very emotionally intelligent.
Women struggling with hair loss can be made to feel inadequate, unappealing and un-feminine in the most subtle ways. People may comment on the appearance of a woman losing hair overtly. Alternatively, they may try to offer well-meaning solutions that only serve to make us feel worse. One is constantly reminded as a woman about how a lack of hair may not quite be in their favor.
The Overall Affect
The result of the above is that hair loss can be emotionally detrimental to women who are struggling with it. It can damage confidence, self esteem and even a woman’s own sense of identity and worth.
What Does a Woman Do in This Situation?
If struggling with hair loss, our heart goes out to you – and believe us, some of us have been there. What we will say is you should not give up hope. At the same time, don’t rush into surgical and chemical treatments out of desperation with your eyes closed. That can sometimes do more harm than good.
You could always look into the minimally invasive hair loss treatment for women and take your time finding a solution that is more permanent! Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any more questions on how our treatment works or on what you can do to address that hair loss.