Dealing with Hair Loss in Your 20s!

scalp micropigmentation services

Your hair is one of your most prized possessions. It’s a vital component of your personality and physical appeal. In fact, the Rogaine survey of 2004 showed that of the 500 women interviewed across America, 24% likened hair loss to losing a limb!

While hair loss can be traumatizing at any age, it’s especially hurtful in your 20s because it’s the young adult years when one’s hair is so closely linked to their sex appeal.

If you’re facing hair loss, let us help you deal with it, because it’s not something that you can just brush off.

Embracing It

Hair loss or thinning of hair affects roughly 30 million women in the US. So while it’s a major concern it’s also not uncommon. Although it can be a struggle to accept that you’ve fallen victim to it, it’s a breath of fresh air once you embrace it. Hair loss helps you realize how the superficial standards of beauty don’t mean anything. The loss of one of the most vital physical features of your personality is quite humbling. It matures you and helps you focus on the more important things in life.

Damaged Hair Follicles

It also helps you distinguish real people from those who only associate with you because of the way that you look. Embracing the hair loss makes you love yourself for who you are rather than for what the society accepts you for.

Dealing with It

Since hair is a major measure of one’s beauty, it’s very easy for people to develop body image issues, especially if they’re losing hair in their 20s. As a result, many young people fall into depression. But at a time like this, having gratitude for what you have, and re-evaluating your self-worth is most important. While therapy can help you, if you don’t rewire your brain to the needs of your body, you will never be able to overcome this spiral of negativity.

Treating It

Once you’ve found the courage and confidence to deal with hair loss, you can start working on getting your hair back! But in this case, while home remedies sound promising, they don’t always work out for the best. That’s why getting professional scalp micropigmentation services to get your hair and confidence back is the ideal solution!


If you’re also in search of quality scalp micropigmentation services in Wilmington, DE, get in touch with us. We provide non-surgical hair loss treatments for both men and women!

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